Elliot's Wild Turbot Tranches & Herb Gnocchi In Their Fish Jus

Elliot's Wild Turbot Steaks & Herb Gnocchi In Their Fish Jus

Elliot's exec chef, Matt Tarantini, shares how to whip up this one-pan wonder in just 10 minutes with pro tips on how to cook your turbot steaks to perfection. If you missed out on our collaboration with Elliot's, you can replace their fish jus with fish stock to achieve a deliciously rich and silky buttery sauce for your favourite fish steaks.

This recipe was originally created as part of our weekend meal box collaboration with Elliot's restaurant located in Borough Market and Hackney. Matt cooked turbot steaks, but this would work just as beautifully with monkfish fillet steaks.


Main Course Ingredients for 2 people:

  • Henderson To Home Turbot Tranches, 2x thick 200-300g fillet steaks
  • Herb Gnocchi, handmade with tarragon by Elliot's chefs
  • Elliot's Fish Jus, or 200ml of fish stock
  • Roasted Courgettes, freshly roasted courgettes chunks
  • Fresh Mint & Dill Leaves and Agrodolce Onions, optional to garnish courgettes
  • Unsalted butter, 200gr cut in 8 knobs or cubes
  • Vegetable oil, about 4 tbsps
  • Sea salt, to taste


  1. Preheat your oven to 180°C and pat fish steaks dry with kitchen paper. With skin facing you, lightly oil that side of the fish, then season with salt
  2. Heat a large pan over medium-low heat with a bit of oil, then add the fillets, skin-side down, sizzling them on low to help preserve the skin. If you start on high heat, the skin will burn off. Don't worry if some skin sticks to the pan though, it will add extra texture to your sauce 
  3. After about 4 minutes, spread the gnocchi in the pan with the fish to brown them lightly for 30 seconds. Add 6 butter knobs and let cook for 1 minute, then turn the heat down and turn your fillets over. Cook for another 2 minutes, basting the fish with the butter and adding butter if it gets too brown
  4. Check the fish is cooking inside by poking it with a toothpick (if there is no resistance, it's ready for the oven), then add 2 knobs or butter and place the pan in the oven to finish roasting. Warm up your courgettes in the oven if using.
  5. After 5minutes check your fish is cooked, then remove it from the pan to rest them in a separate dish - Matt's rule of thumb is to treat turbot steaks like meat and rest them for half the time they've been cooking (here about 2-3minutes) before serving.
  6. While the fish rests, put the pan with gnocchi back on a low medium heat, scrapping any bottom bits and taking 3 tbsps of butter off the pan to baste the resting fish. Add 2 knobs of fresh butter in the pan and pour the fish jus in the pan, then emulsify your sauce for about a minute for a nice silky consistency
  7. Plate your fish steaks, spoon the gnocchi around it and pouring the sauce on top before giving it a squeeze of lemon and mixing your warm courgettes with the herbs & agrodolce to extract flavours.
  8. Enjoy!


Elliot's Wild Turbot Tranches & Herb Gnocchi In Their Fish Jus
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