
Is freezing fresh fish a waste?

Is freezing fresh fish a waste?

Contrary to popular belief, freezing fish doesn't compromise quality—it preserves freshness, locking in all the nutrients and flavours too! Our fish comes straight from fishermen to your door—no middleman involved—ensuring...

Is freezing fresh fish a waste?

Contrary to popular belief, freezing fish doesn't compromise quality—it preserves freshness, locking in all the nutrients and flavours too! Our fish comes straight from fishermen to your door—no middleman involved—ensuring...

What's the secret behind our live room?

What's the secret behind our live room?

We've created an amazing set-up to keep lobsters and crabs to the higher standard and Captain Dave looks after our live room like it's his child making sure all the...

What's the secret behind our live room?

We've created an amazing set-up to keep lobsters and crabs to the higher standard and Captain Dave looks after our live room like it's his child making sure all the...

Actually Good Supplier

We celebrate our ActuallyGood© Supplier win

ActuallyGood© has named us their inaugural ActuallyGood© Supplier - which celebrate suppliers who pay fairly, offer balance and commit to creating positive working environments/ To celebrate, watch Shaun pull back the...

We celebrate our ActuallyGood© Supplier win

ActuallyGood© has named us their inaugural ActuallyGood© Supplier - which celebrate suppliers who pay fairly, offer balance and commit to creating positive working environments/ To celebrate, watch Shaun pull back the...

Fish Pie Masterclass: cook the best fish pie

Fish Pie Masterclass: cook the best fish pie

The pie master himself, Chef Calum Franklin, gives us a fish pie masterclass to achieve the perfect fish pie.

Fish Pie Masterclass: cook the best fish pie

The pie master himself, Chef Calum Franklin, gives us a fish pie masterclass to achieve the perfect fish pie.

What does day boat fish mean?

What does day boat fish mean?

Day boat fish ensures you get the freshest catch straight to your door for best quality, greater nutritional value and longer shelf life than the average fish you get from...

What does day boat fish mean?

Day boat fish ensures you get the freshest catch straight to your door for best quality, greater nutritional value and longer shelf life than the average fish you get from...

Is monkfish the new lobster?

Is monkfish the new lobster?

Is monkfish the new lobster? It's not only more widely available and more affordable than lobster, it's also more versatile. With sweet and meaty lobster-like flesh, there are plenty of reasons...

Is monkfish the new lobster?

Is monkfish the new lobster? It's not only more widely available and more affordable than lobster, it's also more versatile. With sweet and meaty lobster-like flesh, there are plenty of reasons...